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-Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy (Access to Internet)

The aim of this Acceptable Use Policy ( AUP) is to ensure that pupils will benefit from learning opportunities offered by the School’s Internet resources in a safe and effective manner. Internet use and access is considered a school resource and privilege. Therefore, if the school AUP is not adhered to, this privilege will be withdrawn and appropriate sanctions – as outlined in the AUP – will be imposed.

It is envisaged that school and parent representatives will revise the AUP annually.

School  Strategies

The School will employ a number of strategies in order to maximise learning opportunities and reduce risks associated with the Internet. These strategies are as follows:

• Access to the Internet on the school premises will always be supervised by a teacher.
• Filtering software and/or equivalent systems will be used in order to minimise the risk of exposure to inappropriate material. The school internet is protected by the firewall provided by the NCTE (National Centre for Technology in Education).
• Pupils and teachers will be provided with training in the area of Internet safety.
• Uploading and downloading of non-approved software will not be permitted.
• Virus protection software will be used and updated on a regular basis.
• The use of personal memory sticks in school is not allowed.
Pupils are not permitted to bring devices with potential for Internet access to school.
• Pupils will observe good “netiquette” (i.e., etiquette on the Internet) at all times and will not undertake any actions that may bring the school into disrepute.

World Wide Web
• Pupils will use the Internet for educational purposes only.
• Pupils will be familiar with copyright issues relating to online learning.
• Pupils will never disclose or publicise personal information.
• Pupils will be aware that any usage, including distributing or receiving information, school-related or personal, may be monitored for unusual activity, security and/or network management reasons.
• Pupils will not visit Internet sites that contain obscene, illegal, hateful or otherwise objectionable materials.
• Pupils will be taught appropriate use of the Internet, using the teaching materials.

• Pupils will not have access to personal email facilities at school. Any emails to other children/schools, will be sent through the school email or class email address.

For the purposes of remote learning, teacher- pupil email correspondence is permitted via the parents’ email account only. It is also permitted to email the pupil, again, via the parent’s email, for the purposes of receiving assignments and offering feedback but the parent must also be addressed in the email.

Internet Chat ( Very restricted use only)
• Pupils will only have access to chat rooms, discussion forums or other electronic communication forums, such as the etwinning forum,  that have been approved by the school.
• Chat rooms, discussion forums and other electronic communication forums will only be used for educational purposes and will always be supervised.
• Usernames will be used to avoid disclosure of identity.
• Face-to-face meetings with someone organised via Internet chat is forbidden.

Online Learning Platforms Teachers use the Online Learning Platforms Seesaw  (Junior and Senior Infants) and Google Classroom from (1st  to 6th Class).
Pupils may only participate in these platforms with parental consent
Parents are expected to monitor their child's access to and use of the above platforms
The school has signed up to the terms of service of the Online Platform in use by the school.
The school has enabled the most up to date security and privacy features which these online platforms provide.

Video Conferencing software such as Google Meet, Zoom or Skype may be used for contacting other children/schools for project work and assignments. This will only be carried out under teacher supervision.

Video Conferencing for Remote Learning
Teachers must pre-record video lessons. Live lessons are not permitted.
Live video conferencing sessions must be approved by the principal in advance. The principal or deputy principal must be invited to these sessions and may appoint the co host to these sessions.
Every pupil in the class must be invited and must have the materials required at home to access the pre-recorded lesson or video conferencing session.

Parental permission for every pupil must be sought for each live session.
Pupils must be appropriately dressed eg no pyjamas
Sessions can only be conducted from a common room in the pupil’s home such as a living room or kitchen.
Pupils are not permitted to take or share screenshots, recordings or personal information about staff or pupils on social media.
Pupils are not permitted to rename themselves, use the chat facility or to leave the breakout rooms without permission of the hosts.

Any pupil in breach of the above netiquette will have their video conferencing session curtailed with immediate effect and will not be invited to any future such conference.
As per our Code of Behaviour any gross misbehaviour may result in suspension or expulsion. The school also reserves the right to report any illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.

Teacher Safety Tips for hosting live video sessions with pupils

Disable ‘join before host’ option
Check participants before letting them into class by using waiting rooms
Lock the classroom door when all pupils are in.
Turn off participant sharing
Disable rename
What to do if someone ‘zoombombs’ your meeting?
Lock meeting/mute all controls and kick them out using ‘Remove a participant’ option

School Website
• Pupils will be given the opportunity to publish projects, artwork or school work on the school website.
• The publication of student work will be coordinated by a teacher.
• Pupils’ work will appear in an educational context on Web pages.
• Parental permission for the use of each pupil’s photograph on the school website will be sought at enrolment and/or when updating contact details of parents
• Personal pupil information including surnames, home address and contact details will not be used on school web pages.

The school will provide information on the following legislation relating to use of the
Internet which teachers and parents should familiarise themselves with:
• Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003 ( see school policy)
• Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998
• Interception Act 1993
• Video Recordings Act 1989
• The Data Protection Act 1988

Personal Devices

Devices such as mobile phones, iPads, Nintendos, smart watches with video/voice recording or any gadgets with internet access, are not allowed in the school.

If a pupil needs to bring a phone to school for use after school, he must leave it in the school office in the storage box provided.

Assistive Technology

Pupils who are in receipt of assistive technology as recommended by the Department of Education and Science are permitted to take the devices/technology home for their own educational purposes only.

An agreement must be signed in advance of these devices being taken to and from school to ensure their safekeeping, and that they are used for the permitted purposes.

*See Appendix 2 User Agreements

Respect for Equipment:

Pupils are expected to show great care at all times when using technological devices at school. The rules for use of the digital hub and iPads are as follow:

This AUP must be outlined to the pupils in advance of their first visit to the digital hub/use of iPads.

•No food or drink is allowed in the vicinity of the equipment.

•Only a staff member is allowed input passwords to open the PCs.

•Equipment can only be used under teacher supervision.

The library partition must remain open at all times. A request may be made in advance to the principal to allow for its safe closure and reopening.

•Pupils are not allowed to sit underneath or on the counter of the digital hub.

•Pupils must learn the steps for shutting down the equipment properly as the last class in the digital hub on Friday is responsible for that.

•iPads must be kept on a secure surface at all times.

Support Structures

The school will inform pupils and parents of key support structures and organisations that deal with illegal material or harmful use of the Internet.
We also provide workshops on internet safety for pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th classes and their parents. We use the services of the NCTE , and

We highly recommend that parents read and also follow the guidelines on Internet safety as offered on and


Misuse of the Internet may result in disciplinary action, including written warnings, withdrawal of access privileges and, in extreme cases, suspension or expulsion. The school also reserves the right to report any illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.

If for any reason a pupil takes a phone to school, it must be left switched off and given to the Principal for the day. Any infringement of this rule will involve the confiscation of the phone and will only be returned to the parent or guardian of the pupil after 24 hours or after the weekend


This policy was developed in 2015. It was reviewed in 2020 in conjunction with the teaching staff and representatives of the parent body and will be updated annually and/or as developments in technology continue to impact on education in particular.

Signed_________________________(Chairman B.O.M.)Date _______________

Appendix 1

Permission Form
Please review the attached school Internet Acceptable Use Policy, sign and return this permission form to the class teacher. This form will be kept on file until your son has left Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara.

Name of Pupil: ______________________Class:______________________

As the parent or legal guardian of the above pupil, I have read the Acceptable Use Policy and grant permission for my son/child in my care to access the Internet. I understand that Internet access is intended for educational purposes. I also understand that every reasonable precaution has been taken by the school to provide for online safety but the school cannot be held responsible if pupils access unsuitable websites.

I accept the above paragraph □                

I do not accept the above paragraph □
(Please tick as appropriate)

In relation to the school website, I accept that, if the school considers it appropriate, my child’s schoolwork may be chosen for inclusion on the website. I understand and accept the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy relating to publishing children’s work on the school website.

I accept the above paragraph □                  

I do not accept the above paragraph □
(Please tick as appropriate)

Signature: ____________________________ Date:  ___________________

Appendix 2

User Agreement for Assistive Technology
(Sample Contract)

I wish to apply for, and confirm that I am willing to accept the responsibility for, taking into my possession an item of Assistive Technology for the period of the school closure due to Covid 19 restrictions.

I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to the attached ‘Terms and Conditions of Use’ and am willing to take responsibility for the AssistiveTechnology subject to these ‘Terms and Conditions of Use’ and such other policies as are determined by Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara.

By accepting this ‘Assistive Technology Use Agreement Form’, I agree to the terms and conditions of use and accept delivery of the Assistive Technology.

Assistive Technology User Agreement

Sample Contract 1
1.The _______________ remains the property of Name of School

2. The _________________ is covered under school insurance however; the user must take reasonable care to avoid damage or loss.

3.The ________________ has been provided for school related use.

4. All major _______________ faults to be recorded on an AssistiveTechnology Problem Report Form and logged in the school office.

5.  The Reading Pen is for _______________ usage and must not be transferred to a third party.
6. Please make every effort to securely store the ______________ as per instructions in pack.

7. I will use the ____________ lawfully and in accordance
with the instructions.

8. I will not sell, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of the _______________

9.If my status changes with Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara, or if I breach any of these
terms or conditions, Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara, may revoke this arrangement by giving me written notice.

10. I will take due care of the _____________ package at all times,
·  Not leaving the _____________ unattended in a public place.

·  Not leaving the __________ in plain view in an unattended or unsecured vehicle.

·   Not allowing the _____________ to be accessed by any other person (unless authorised by Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara).

·   Not allowing the ________________ to be interfered with, tampered with or altered by a third party or otherwise except in accordance with clause

·   Ensuring due care is taken in the handling, transporting and usage of the Reading Pen.

11. If the __________________ is lost, stolen or damaged I will advise the Principal and the Gardaí as soon as possible.

Signed:_____________________(Parent)          Date:_____________________

Contract for Use of Laptop

This agreement is made effective upon receipt of the laptop computer, between Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara, the student receiving the laptop -----------and his parent(s)________________ The Student and Parents, being provided with a laptop computer, software, and any other related materials for use while the student is enrolled at Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara, hereby agree as follows:

1. Ownership: Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara retains sole right of possession of the computer and grants permission to the Student and Parents to use the computer according to the guidelines set forth in this document. Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara staff retain the right to collect and/or inspect the computer at any time.
2. Equipment Provided: All computers offered by Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara will include a power source (charger), and a laptop bag. Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara will retain records of the serial numbers of provided equipment.
3. Responsibility for Electronic Data:
a) The student and parents are responsible for ensuring that existing software remains on the computer.
b) Principal/ Teacher permission must be granted before downloading new software.
4. Charging: Student computers are to be fully charged prior to each school day at the home of the student. Charging locations will be provided at the School but should be secondary to home charging.

Damage or Loss of Equipment

1. Responsibility for damage: The Student is responsible for maintaining a 100 percent working computer at all times. The Student shall use reasonable care to ensure that the computer is not damaged. Examples of gross negligence include, but are not limited to:
a) Leaving equipment unattended including damage or loss while at school.
b) Lending equipment to others other than one’s parents/guardians.
c) Using equipment in an unsafe environment.
d) Using the equipment in an unsafe manner.
2. Responsibility for loss:
In the event the computer is lost or stolen, contact the school immediately.
3. In the event of damage/loss or need for technical support/repair, report the problem immediately to the classroom teacher.
Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara maintains a strong commitment to preparing students to use information and communication technology (ICT) in a positive and productive manner. The school encourages the ethical use of ICT to support curriculum and productivity both inside and outside the classroom.

Laptop Computer Use Agreement

Please sign and return this slip:
We have read and agreed with this primary school Laptop computer use agreement.
Student's name (please print): ______________________________
Student's signature and date: _________________________________
Parent's signature and date: __________________________________________________________
Class Teacher's signature and date: _________________________________________________________
Principal’s signature & date: ___________________________________________


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Address. Donacarney, Mornington, Co. Meath

© 2022 Donacarney BNS and 

Tel. (041) 9827045

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